Beware of Summertime Pests

An important part of keeping your pet safe in the warmer months is pest prevention—summer is prime-time for infections and infestations caused by parasites and other unsightly critters! Is your pet ready to face the challenge? Read on to learn more about summertime pests and how to help your pet avoid the danger.


Fleas are one of the most common pet pests this time of year. A flea infestation can be time-consuming and troublesome to eradicate, and fleas can quickly multiply and infest your family’s bedding, clothing, and furniture. That’s why prevention is the best method! Talk to your veterinarian for information about a good flea preventative that works for your animal companion’s needs.


Ticks can transmit serious diseases, such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more. Because ticks are difficult to detect, especially on pets with long or thick hair, you might not know your pet has been bitten until symptoms start to show up! Keep your animal friend on a high-quality tick preventative and check your companion whenever you return indoors, just to be safe.


Mosquitos are problematic in the warmer months for both pets and humans. Not only can mosquitos give your pet serious diseases like the West Nile virus, they are the carriers of heartworm, something that affects thousands of pets every year. Keeping your pet on a heartworm preventative is the first step toward full protection; you can also limit mosquitos’ presence in your yard by removing any sources of standing water, where mosquitos like to breed.

For more tips on Helping Your Dog Get Through Mosquito Season, check out our informative article that covers additional preventive measures and how to keep your furry friend safe from these pesky insects.


Heartworm isn’t the only type of worm to be worried about in the summer months. Hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, and even tapeworms present a serious threat to your animal companion! Fortunately, a quality heartworm preventative will keep these pests at bay—if your pet is in need of a worm preventative, contact your vet’s office right away.


The botfly is another warm-weather pet pest that can harm our four-legged friends, especially in late summer and even into early fall. Botflies lay eggs that eventually release maggots; your pet might contract the maggots when they brush up against grass or other plant life. From there, maggots can burrow under your pet’s skin and start causing problems. Luckily, heartworm medications and flea-and-tick preventatives usually prevent the problem entirely!

Our Advice on Beware of Summertime Pests in 2024

What are the most common summertime pests for pets?

The most common summertime pests for pets include fleas, ticks, mosquitos, and various worms like heartworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Additionally, botflies pose a risk, especially in late summer and early fall. These pests can transmit diseases, cause infestations, and lead to serious health issues for pets. Preventative measures, such as regular use of veterinarian-recommended pest-control products, are crucial to protect pets from these threats during the warmer months.

How do fleas harm pets, and what can be done?

Fleas harm pets by feeding on their blood, causing itchiness, discomfort, and potentially leading to allergic reactions, anemia, or transmitting diseases. An infestation can quickly spread to your home, affecting bedding, clothing, and furniture. The key to combating fleas is prevention. Consult a veterinarian for effective flea preventatives tailored to your pet’s needs. For pets and households in St. Lucie County, FL, visiting our local clinic can provide access to the latest in flea prevention and treatment solutions, ensuring your pet remains healthy and flea-free.

What are the signs of a flea infestation in your home?

Signs of a flea infestation in your home include frequent scratching, biting, or licking by your pets, the appearance of tiny dark specks (flea dirt) in pet bedding, carpets, or on pets themselves, and sightings of small, fast-moving brown insects on furnishings or directly on pets. You might also notice red, itchy bites on your own skin. If you suspect a flea infestation, it’s crucial to treat both your pets and your home simultaneously. Consulting with a veterinarian can provide specific, effective recommendations for treatment and prevention.

What symptoms might indicate a serious disease transmitted by a tick or mosquito?

Symptoms indicating a serious disease transmitted by ticks or mosquitos in pets can include fever, lethargy, joint pain, loss of appetite, and unusual stiffness or discomfort. Tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, may also cause swollen lymph nodes and lameness due to joint inflammation. Mosquito-transmitted diseases, like heartworm, can lead to coughing, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. These symptoms require prompt veterinary attention to prevent further health complications. In regions like St. Lucie County, FL, where these pests are prevalent, proactive prevention and early detection are key to protecting your pet’s health.

Are there particular breeds more susceptible to certain pest-related problems?

Yes, certain breeds are more susceptible to specific pest-related problems. For instance, breeds with dense or long coats, like Huskies and Golden Retrievers, are more prone to tick infestations, as ticks can easily hide within their fur. Similarly, breeds with shorter snouts, such as Bulldogs and Pugs, may face greater challenges with respiratory issues if infected with heartworms, carried by mosquitoes. It’s essential for pet owners to be aware of their breed’s specific vulnerabilities and consult with a veterinarian for tailored pest prevention strategies, especially in pest-prevalent areas.

Is your pet in need of pest-control products for the summer? Contact us, your local animal clinic in St. Lucie County, FL! Regular Vet Preventive Care visits can help protect your pet from summertime pests and ensure they stay healthy throughout the season.

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