Your Kitty’s Purr

Does your Treasure Coast kitty like to run her little motor when you are petting her? Cats are unique in many ways, but one of the cutest, and most enigmatic, is that cute little sound they make when they are happy. Scientists suspect that purring evolved as a way for nursing kittens to signal to their mamas that everything is ok. Kitties can’t nurse and meow at the same time, but they can definitely purr while nursing.

There is no known scientific need or reason for adult cats to purr. Lots of animals do perfectly fine without making little rumbling sounds. Cats aren’t the only animals that purr, however: hyenas, gorillas, and elephants also purr.

Your kitty’s purr is actually quite interesting in several ways. It’s generally accepted as common knowledge that cats purr when they are happy, but cats can also purr when they’re scared. This may be the kitty equivalent of a nervous smile, though researchers aren’t sure. Cats may also purr when they are sick or in pain. What is truly fascinating about this is that some research indicates that purrs may have some healing properties. Cats purr at 25HZ, the same frequency that is used by health therapists in physical therapies. Studies indicate that this frequency may promote healing in tissue.

Purring may also be beneficial to you. Cat owners typically have lower blood pressure, lower risks of heart attacks, and less depression than those without pets, and kitties are widely credited with extra special cuddling powers. Have you ever had a bad day and just wanted to go home and curl up with your furball? Kitty love can be very comforting. Additionally, understanding how to manage your pet’s presence during social gatherings can make entertaining guests smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. For tips on this, check out our article on “Entertaining Guests When You Own a Pet.”

There are some things you can do to bring on the purr. First and foremost, let your furball get comfy wherever she feels like it. She may not pick an ideal spot, but let’s face it, she’s going to sleep where she wants anyway. Pet your kitty by rubbing her gently between the ears, or moving your hand from her head to the tip of her tail. Some kitties like having their ears scratched or twirled. Some cats will start to purr as soon as their owners look at them or pick them up. Other kitties purr when they’re getting fed, or curling up to sleep. If your kitty truly trusts you, and likes belly rubs, she may flip over and offer you her tummy. Whatever the event or reason, it’s hard not to catch a bit of Kitty’s contentment. That is the magic of cats. To ensure your cat continues to thrive and keep purring, consider our “Vet Preventive Care” services, which can help keep your cat healthy and happy.

Contact us, your local animal clinic in St. Lucie County, FL!

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